There was a time when the president of the United States couldn’t go to sleep before kissing his shirtless photo of Russian leader Vladimir Putin. But that feels like eons ago, back when Trump would use his back channels to play “you hang up first” with the Russian president.
Well, it’s a new day and if Putin doesn’t know, President Joe Biden is a violent assassin who doesn’t have time to play games, because he’s busy drinking protein smoothies and lifting orthopedic weights in the Oval Office.
Well, you know how our president can be, considering he wanted to fistfight Trump and even a pro-gun voter while campaigning in Detroit, so during an interview with ABC that aired Wednesday, Biden let the uzi spray and called Putin a “killer,” adding that the relationship between the U.S. and Russia is “very bad.” He also stressed that Putin “will pay a price” for “his efforts to undermine the 2020 US election following a landmark American intelligence assessment that found the Russian government meddled in the 2020 election with the aim of ‘denigrating’ Biden’s candidacy,” CNN reports.
When interviewer George Stephanopoulos asked if he believes Biden is a killer, Biden replied “Mhmm. I do.”
OK, so technically Biden didn’t say it but he agreed hard AF. Didn’t matter to Russia because they got up in their feelings calling Biden’s statements “very bad.”
“These are very bad statements by the President of the United States. He definitely does not want to improve relations with us, and we will continue to proceed from this,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday. Peskov added: “there hasn’t been anything like this in history,” CNN reports.
Putin, himself, also responded to Biden’s claims Thursday.
“It’s true, we really know each other personally. What would I answer him? I would tell him: be healthy,” Putin said. “I wish him good health. I say this without irony, no jokes. This is first of all.”
Umm, this feels like a threat because he knows our president is old. But let’s keep going.
“When we evaluate other people, states and nations, we always seem to be looking in the mirror. We always see ourselves. We always pass on to another person what we ourselves are in essence,” Putin added.
“In childhood, when we argued with each other, we said: ‘He who calls names is called that himself.’ This is no coincidence, this is not just a childish joke, it has a very deep psychological meaning.”
No, he didn’t just get all psychological and school the shit out Biden. Not on this holy month of the Pisces!
CNN notes that Russia “pulled its US ambassador on Wednesday in response to the comments.”
This isn’t the first time that Biden and Putin have shared some tough words. In 2011, Biden claimed he told Putin that he didn’t have a soul to which Putin replied, “We understand one another.”
“Look, the most important thing dealing with foreign leaders, and I’ve dealt with a lot of them over my career, is just know the other guy,” Biden told ABC.
Well, at least the two seem to know each other very well. And I don’t know about you but I feel safer knowing that the president of the United States doesn’t have a memory book of the Russian leader on his nightstand.