The mayor of a West Texas town is a heartless bitch.
For some reason, Tim Boyd, who was mayor of Colorado City, Texas, decided that it was a good idea to deliver a typo-ridden, now-deleted Facebook post Tuesday morning bashing residents who are facing freezing temperatures and massive power outages. Boyd, also known as Satan’s favorite ass pimple, told his constituents that no one owes them anything and that if they want to be warm, they need to find it on their own.
“No one owes you are your [sic] family anything; nor is it the local government’s responsibility to support you during trying times like this! … The City and County, along with power providers or any other service owes you NOTHING!” Dallas News reports.
Except they do. It’s kind of their job to owe the residents something because this is how this whole thing works. It’s an unspoken right (and maybe this has changed in the Trump era) that the one thing a politician, an official who works and is elected by the people, should have is empathy for those who voted them into office. Said elected official is supposed to work on behalf of the people to make this right. But instead of helping people who are fucking freezing without heat or light, Boyd decided that a “Fuck all y’all” post was what the people really needed.
Boyd added that he was “sick and tired” of people looking for handouts and that the current situation is “sadly a product of a socialist government.”
“Only the strong will survive and the weak will parish,” he wrote.
Boyd deleted the post but then posted a follow-up to explain that he stood by the position in the first post but did admit that he should’ve kept his mouth shut.
“I would never want to hurt the elderly or anyone that is in true need of help to be left to fend for themselves,” Boyd said. “I was only making the statement that those folks that are too lazy to get up and fend for themselves but are capable should not be dealt a handout.”
Well, at least he cleared that up because for a second, I was starting to feel like Boyd didn’t give a shit about old people. At least Boyd didn’t say that he was willing to let Meemaws and Meepaws die for the economy.
Get this shit: After writing his “Get it how you live” post, Boyd was upset that his family was being harassed and called the harassment uncalled for.
Thots and prayers.
But there is a silver lining in all of this; Boyd noted that he had already resigned from his post as mayor of the “town of 4,000 people about 230 miles west of Dallas,” and was posting on Facebook as a regular asshole bitch not an elected asshole fuckface. The problem is no one knows when Boyd resigned, including the town’s own city council still had him scheduled to lead last week’s meeting.
Dallas News notes that at the time of Boyd’s post, some 1,304 of the 4,400 residents were without power and the temperature was 23 degrees.