Is it just me, or are conservatives having to grapple with the fact that their ideas and opinions are becoming less and less popular and are starting to look more and more like straight-up bigotry? (I mean, to the brand new; us liberal-left-Marxist-communist-socialist-Antifa-thugs have always known this.)
A Texas assistant attorney general got a pink slip Thursday after it came out that he spent months threatening violence against anti-racism activists, tweeted a bunch of racist and transphobic shit and regurgitated QAnon conspiracy theories as well as coronavirus hoax nonsense.
From the Texas Tribune:
Nick Moutos, whose racist tweets were reported Thursday morning by Media Matters, threatened Black Lives Matter protesters and has regularly referred to the organizers as “terrorists.” He called Islam a “virus” and trans people an “abomination.”
Moutos has worked for Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office since 2017 in the criminal prosecution division and recently ran and lost in a Republican primary for the District 35 U.S. House seat. As of July 1, Moutos was earning an annual salary of $100,652.
In the year he’s been on Twitter, Moutos has amassed over 20,000 tweets on his account, many of which are attacks — including threats of violence — against prominent Democrats.
“@BarackObama I pray to meet you on the #CivilWar2 #Battlefield. #Jesus #2A #MolonLabe,” he tweeted in June. “Molon Labe” is a Greek phrase that can be translated as “come and take them” and is popularly used by gun-rights advocates.
Moutos’ tweets often tout the Second Amendment and gun ownership while expressing his anger toward elected officials.
He has frequently referred to female members of Congress as“Whores of Babylon,” an apparent reference to a chapter in the Bible titled “The Great Whore and the Beast.”
Maybe I’m just tripping, but it sounds like Moutos got fired over saying a bunch of regular-degular right-winger shit. I mean, look at this shit:
“Hey there #WhoreOfBabylon, you wouldn’t even know what a Bible looks like! #Jesus #2A #MolonLabe #ArmedAndReadyVeteran #NoWarningShots #CenterMassUntilThreatDrops #Jesus,” he tweeted in response to a tweet from U.S. Rep. Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, D-N.Y., in early June. “Center Mass Until Threat Drops” appears to refer to police training wherein officers are trained to aim at the “center mass” of a person while firing a weapon.
And these:
How is any of this any worse than your average impulsive Trump tweet? In fact, does this mean...holy shit...can we just fire the president?
Nah, it couldn’t be that easy. Not for the commander-in-shit tweets. But for a simple assistant attorney general who sounds like a live-action version of Dale Gribble from King of the Hill, a simple firing was probably a no-brainer.
“As of today, this individual no longer works for the Office of the Attorney General,” Kayleigh Date, spokesperson for the attorney general’s office, told the Tribune.
Moutos acknowledged his firing in a tweet Thursday.
“Speaking out against the #ChinaVirus #Plandemic & #Democrats using it to steal #Election2020 makes people angry. Stories slamming me & others in #Salon #MensHealth #AlterNet were enough to cost me my job,” he tweeted. (This man loves hashtags almost as much as he hates marginalized people breathing up all his free air.)
I’m just saying, if we removed every Republican far-right extremist blowhard who spouts baseless conspiracy theories and other pseudo-intellectual white nonsense from their positions of power, we would end up one party down from our two-party political system.
Not that I’m trying to put that energy out in the universe or anything.