1. A garage
2. A basketball hoop on said garage
3. A fiberglass basketball hoop (if you had this, I assumed you were Warren Buffet)
4. A pantry
5. A finished basement
6. A family with two cars
7. A salary of over $60,000 a year
8. Annual family vacations
9. Having separate hoop shoes and school shoes and playing around at home shoes
10. Buying food from the regular menu at Wendy’s and not the extra value menu
11. A porch
12. Cable TV in multiple rooms
13. Braces
14. A house that gave out full-size candy bars at Halloween
15. Eating shrimp
16. A house with two bathrooms with showers
17. One of those refrigerators that dispense water (I actually still believe that the people who have one of these are rich)
18. An answering machine
19. Lawn furniture
20. A desktop computer
21. Being somewhere that required a valet
22. A Black girl who only has white friends
23. A Discman
24. A living room with no TVs
25. Being Asian-American
26. Credit cards
27. Grey Poupon (those commercials worked)
28. Healthy grandparents
29. Good credit
30. Getting on an airplane
31. Living in the suburbs
32. Having a Super Soaker when they first came out
33. Owning an inflatable pool (owning an actual inground pool was reserved for Scrooge McDuck)
34. Bringing Valentine’s Day cards and candy to school for everyone and not just your friends
35. Virginity