Mark McCloskey, one half of the husband-and-wife pair recently captured on video looking ridiculous while brandishing weapons at demonstrators passing by their St. Louis home, is now complaining that his “life has been ruined.”
In an interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Tuesday, McCloskey balked at the suggestion that he is now the face of resistance to the Black Lives Matter movement and said he has suffered since the video of him threatening people with a loaded gun has gone public.
“I was a victim of the mob who came through the gate, I didn’t care what color they were,” McCloskey told Cuomo. “I didn’t care what their motivation was. I was frightened, I was assaulted, I was in imminent fear that they would run me over, kill me, burn my house.”
“It’s called terrorism,” he added. “What’s the definition of terrorism? To use violence and intimidation to frighten the public.”
As a reminder, here’s what McCloskey and his wife Patricia did when they saw a group of people demonstrating against the St. Louis mayor’s decision to publicly detail the names and addresses of residents advocating for police to be defunded:
McCloskey is now claiming that his use of threatened violence and intimidation to frighten the protestors was in response to them attempting to enter the steps into his home, but refused to offer any proof that any such thing happened:
The devastating consequences of his own actions have led McCloskey to hire legal representation. As you can see in the above clip, he was joined on Cuomo’s PrimeTime by Albert Watkins, an attorney who boasts on his website that he successfully defended a white elementary school principal accused of felonious sexual misconduct involving ten African-American third-grade students.
See below these excerpts from Mr. Watkin’s official biography:
Albert S. Watkins has demonstrated unrelenting trial skills which have rendered witnesses subjected to his cross examination incapable of speaking;
Self-centered, egotistical, and a self-proclaimed expert in all matters....Watkins does not hold hands well and admits to being incapable of singing “Kumbya.” [sic]
Watkins garnered the first verdict of its kind against a young female who falsely accused a policeman of engaging in sexual relations and snorting cocaine with a female patron of a restaurant at which the policeman was working a security shift. When the defendant would not appear for her deposition, Watkins procured an order mandating the woman be brought into custody and held in jail pending her deposition. During the ensuing video deposition, Watkins swiftly got the woman to confess and admit the allegations were false. The video deposition swiftly became an internet sensation. A six-figure judgment was entered in favor of the policeman. The woman committed suicide thereafter.
One thing’s for sure, this biography has certainly rendered me incapable of speaking.
Updated: Wednesday, 7/1/20 at 3:28 p.m., ET: Attorney Albert Watkins has since removed from his website the above mention of a woman committing suicide after he led litigation against her. The sections of his biography quoted in this story can still be seen in this Wayback Machine capture from June 30, 2020.