Diamond and Silk learned the harsh lesson of steppinfetchery: No matter how hard you dance, at some point, they will tire of your act and you will find that there is no one left to dance for.
On Monday, Fox News, the Alex Jones of network news, severed ties with the blackface duo, whose schtick has even grown too outlandish for a fake news network. Think about that for a moment; an outlandish news network just got rid of the MAGA vloggers for being even too outlandish for them. That’s like the WWE getting rid of a wrestling superstar for his moves being fake. Or Trump getting rid of S.C. Sen. Lindsey Graham for holding too tightly to his taint.
Managing Editor Genetta Adams: Graham isn’t in Trump’s administration.
Me: The hell he ain’t!
Adams: Fair enough.
Apparently, Diamond and Silk “contributed original content to the network’s streaming service Fox Nation since shortly after its late 2018 launch,” the Daily Beast reports. Who knew? No, seriously, who watches this shit?
Looks like the duo was pushing some really wild conspiracy theories and disinformation about the coronavirus. “After what they’ve said and tweeted you won’t be seeing them on Fox Nation or Fox News anytime soon,” a source told The Daily Beast.
Diamond and Silk—who were not born Diamond and Silk but were apparently given better birth names, Lynette Hardaway (“Diamond”), and Rochelle Richardson (“Silk”) before taking on the stripper monikers—became a thing in 2016 when they were willing to be black champions for Trump. They would become regulars on Fox News because...black women for Trump, who, of course, would become a part of Trump’s favorite blacks, which includes Kanye, the pastor with the conk, the whiny “comedian” guy on Twitter and Jim Brown. Trump began inviting the two women to his rallies and even started treating them like “senior advisers,” which would be a big deal but Hope Hicks and Rudy Giuliani are also advisers.
From the Daily Beast:
The social-media personalities were eventually tapped to provide weekly videos for Fox Nation after it launched as a subscription-based online video network. Their episodes, essentially 5-7 minute distillations of their freeform live-streams, appeared like clockwork on the streaming service until earlier this month.
No new episodes of their online program have been uploaded since April 7, as CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darcy first noted over the weekend. Prior to this month, the duo never missed a week posting episodes since December 2018.
The sisters’ Fox guest spots have also dried up recently. According to a search of TVEyes, a cable-news monitoring system, Diamond & Silk haven’t appeared on the network since a March 6 interview on Fox & Friends and a March 7 hit on the now-defunct Fox Business Network show hosted by Trish Regan, who was also ditched by Fox after her own comments calling the pandemic an “impeachment scam.”
Since The Root doesn’t know anyone who actually watches this bullshit, according to reports, Diamond and Silk were heavy on these COVID-19 misinformation streets.
During their March 30 livestream, the pair claimed that the coronavirus death toll was inflated to make Trump look bad.
“What I need to know is how many people have passed away in New York, and what I need to know is: Who has the bodies?” Diamond asked—I’m saying Diamond asked, but I don’t know who she is. I know that one looks like she’s wearing a Lion-O from Thundercats wig and the other one looks like a downtrodden gospel singer who still has another song left in her somewhere.
“I need for somebody that does investigative work to call the morgues. To call the funeral homes. We need to know, because I don’t trust anything else that comes out of his mouth now... Something’s not right here. Something is off here.”
She added: “Is this being deliberately spread? Look, I’m not being a conspiracy theorist, this is real, but I’m asking my own questions. What the hell is going on?”
Silk, which is actually a common pimp name, actually veered into the hotep lane after she claimed that this disease was “man-made” and “engineered.” She also asked if there was a “little deep-state action going on behind the scenes.”
“She also questioned whether the World Health Organization had a ‘switch’ to ‘turn this virus on and off?’” the Daily Beast reports.
A day after these wild-ass claims, Twitter removed a post in which the women told people to expose themselves to the virus.
“The only way we can become immune to the environment; we must be out in the environment,” the since-deleted tweet read, the Daily Beast reports. “Quarantining people inside of their houses for extended periods will make people sick!”
Fox News hasn’t said much about the curtain being closed on the tap dancing black women, but it’s clear that they went full Alex Jones. And there’s one thing you can’t do if you haven’t built up enough of a fan base and aren’t a white man and that’s go full Alex Jones.
But they will always have one fan for a lifetime: