Another day, another Trump Twitter rant aimed at trying to pump himself up and make his record look better than it really is. His latest target? Former President Barack Obama.
Monday morning, Obama sent out a tweet celebrating the anniversary of the American Recovery and Reinvestment act, the $800 billion stimulus package he signed just one month into his presidency in response to the “deep recession that started in December 2007 and, by the time Obama took office, was costing 800,000 jobs per month,” as the Washington Post noted. A report released in February 2014 showed that “the stimulus saved or created an average of 1.6 million jobs a year from 2009 through 2010.”
“Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history,” Obama tweeted.
Because he is totally obsessed with any and everything Obama says or does, and because he wants everyone to believe that anything good that happens in this country is because of his dictatorship him and him alone, Trump sat on the toilet, pulled out his phone and fired off some tweets in response on Monday evening.
“Did you hear the latest con job? President Obama is now trying to take credit for the Economic Boom taking place under the Trump Administration. He had the WEAKEST recovery since the Great Depression, despite Zero Fed Rate & MASSIVE quantitative easing. NOW, best jobs numbers....,” Trump tweeted.
“....ever. Had to rebuild our military, which was totally depleted. Fed Rate UP, taxes and regulations WAY DOWN. If Dems won in 2016, the USA would be in big economic (Depression?) & military trouble right now. THE BEST IS YET TO COME. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!” he continued in a follow-up tweet.
Now we all know your little president is a big fat liar who likes to inflate his accomplishments. Of course, some of his blind followers popped up on Twitter to cosign Trump’s lies.
(By the way, when did James Woods become such a fucking whack job?)
And of course, there is always someone within the Trump administration who is willing to fall on their sword for the orange dictator.
Kayleigh McEnany, the Trump campaign’s national press secretary, said in a statement to the Washington Post, “President Trump reversed every single failed Obama-era economic policy, and with it, reversed the floundering Obama/Biden economy. Obama and [former vice president Joe Biden] orchestrated the worst economic recovery in modern history.”
She later added, “It’s no wonder Democrats seek to take credit for the Trump economy after eight years of betraying blue collar workers and inflicting pain upon the middle class as Americans everywhere suffered. But the failed days of Democrat stagnation are over, and the soaring Trump economy is here to stay.”
Thankfully, some reporters were on hand to fact-check the bullshit because, as Obama noted in a 2018 campaign rally for Democrats in Nevada, Trump inherited the strong economy that was created by the Obama administration.
The Post’s own Heather Long reported that as a matter of fact, although Trump loves to tout that his economy is “the best it has ever been,” the data does not back that up.
After Trump’s State of the Union address, Long wrote “Trump claimed the U.S. economy is ‘“roaring’” and ‘“the best it has ever been.’” He went as far as to say the nation is ‘“moving forward’” at an “unimaginable” pace, a claim not backed up by the data.”
“The broad consensus among economists is that the U.S. economy is doing well, but these are not unprecedented times,” Long continued.
Long wrote that Trump “goes too far” when he says this economy is the “best ever” and paints himself as a hero that saved America from a bleak and dire situation left by the Obama administration.
“He has taken steps such as tax cuts to keep the economy growing and increase competitiveness, but he’s also inflicted pain. His tariffs have hurt U.S. manufacturing and agriculture. And his tax cuts and increased government spending have added substantially to the national debt,” Long wrote.
In summation, y’all little president ain’t did a bitch ass thing. PERIODT.