Bernie Sanders has all the answers.
The almost octogenarian presidential hopeful showed up and showed out during a question-and-answer session at a forum held at the HBCU Benedict College on Saturday.
When a black male student asked Sanders how he should handle getting pulled over by a police officer, Sanders responded: “respect what they are doing so that you don’t get shot in the back of the head.”
He asked the progressive rabble-rousing Vermont congressman, “If I’m your son, what advice would you give me next time I’m pulled over by a police officer?”
Sanders advised the youngin to do his best to engage the police officer “in a polite way.”
Is that all it takes to put an end to the numerous MURDERS of black people at the hands of police officers?
Perhaps Old Bernie should teach a class.
And what better place to do it than Benedict, which hosted the justice forum, held by the 20/20 Bipartisan Justice Center.
After all, the Columbia, S.C.-based school is also AmeriKKKa’s favorite president’s chosen HBCU.
The 78-year old Brooklyn native’s exact quote was: “I would respect what they are doing so that you don’t get shot in the back of the head, but I would also be very mindful of the fact that as a nation, we have got to hold police officers accountable for the actions that they commit.”
And then: “I would be very cautious if you were my son in terms of dealing with that police officer, but I would also defend my rights and know my rights and make sure if possible that police officer’s camera is on what goes on.”
The social media savvy senator found himself in a firestorm in the Twittersphere Saturday night after the video surfaced of him making the statement.
According to CBS News, reporter LaCrai Mitchell said the question appeared to “stump” Sanders—who struggled to answer. “Sanders did not get much applause or crowd approval,” she said.
Meanwhile, on-and-off again frontrunner Joe Biden seemingly put things in perspective.
And he called a thing a thing.
When a black woman student posed the same question to Barack Hussein’s former second in command, he rose to the occasion.
“If you were my daughter, you’d be a Caucasian girl and you wouldn’t be pulled over,” Biden said. “That’s what’s wrong.”
Getting more savvy with his remarks, the gaffe-prone presidential hopeful tweeted out a clip of his answer.
“Institutional racism should no longer exist. As president, I’ll put forward change to help put an end to it,” he captioned the clip.
After gathering himself—and getting gathered—Sanders attempted to clean up the shit he stepped in on Twitter.