Your Little 'President' Is an Idiot Who Lacks Self-Awareness

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Photo: Alex Wong (Getty Images)

This is your regular reminder that your “president” is a complete and total idiot.

In fact, he is a complete and total idiot who lacks self-awareness, and never was that more apparent than after his feeble little “clapback” at London Mayor Sadiq Khan Tuesday morning.


In case you missed it, during an interview with Politico’s London Playbook, Khan poked fun at Trump for what he called “dealing with a hurricane out on the golf course.” Trump was supposed to visit Poland over the weekend to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Nazi invasion that led to the start of World War II. He canceled the trip, citing a need to “monitor the movement of Hurricane Dorian,” a fierce and horrible storm that has left a path of destruction in the islands of the Bahamas. That storm did not, however, stop Trump from playing golf at his Virginia golf club for two days in a row, as Politico notes.


Khan also criticized Trump and blamed him for the racist rhetoric being spewed by Trump’s base.


“These people have been inspired by mainstream politicians who subscribe to their point of view,” Khan told Politico. “This is a guy [Trump] who amplifies racist tweets; amplifies the tweets of fascists; says things that are deeply objectionable. If I don’t stand up and call that out I think I’m doing a disservice to Londoners who chose me as their mayor.”

While he should have sat there and ate his (fast) food, Trump couldn’t resist trying to take a stab back at Khan. As your grandmama has always told you, a hit dog will holler every single time.


“The incompetent Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, was bothered that I played a very fast round of golf yesterday,” Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. “Many Pols exercise for hours, or travel for weeks. Me, I run through one of my courses (very inexpensive). President Obama would fly to Hawaii. Kahn should focus on....”


“.... ‘knife crime,’ which is totally out of control in London. People are afraid to even walk the streets. He is a terrible mayor who should stay out of our business!” he continued.

Yes, you read that correctly. Trump had the nerve to try and call out “knife crime” in London just days after another mass shooting happened in West Texas over the weekend.


The irony. It makes me constipated.

How Trump can sit there and point fingers, “calling out” Khan for knife crime when he seemingly doesn’t give a shit about the gun violence that plagues America is mind-blowing.


It is the proverbial pot calling the kettle black.

Or that Spider-Man meme we all love so much.


Sure, perhaps London does need to deal with its knife problem, but you have an even bigger problem on your hands, Donald Trump.

What do you plan to do about it, you hypocrite?

Don’t go trying to clean anyone else’s house and until you make sure your own shit is clean.