MAGA Twitter is enraged at officials of the oldest international beauty pageant for dethroning a beauty queen after racist and Islamophobic tweets surfaced on the Twitter account of a Trump supporter and reigning Miss Michigan.
Organizers of the Miss World America pageant dismissed Michigan winner Kathy Zhu for what they called “offensive, insensitive and inappropriate”social media content, according to a letter and texts from the organization posted to Twitter by Zhu, whom the Detroit Free Press called “a well-known political commentator and online figure.”
Think Progress reports that the 20-year-old serves as the vice president of the University of Michigan chapter of the College Republicans and communications director for the Chinese Americans for Trump Movement, while Zhu’s Twitter account reports that the Zhu is kinda racist.
“Did you know the majority of black deaths are caused by other blacks?” Zhu wrote, in one of the now-deleted Tweets, according to the Detroit Press. “Fix problems within your own community before blaming others.”
“This applies for every community,” Zhu explained to the Free Press after the tweets surfaced. “If there is a problem, fix things in your own community before lashing out at others and trying to find an issue there. That is all I wanted to say. It is not a problem against black people. Obviously, I am not racist or stuff like that.”
I agree with MAGA Miss Michigan. I honestly don’t see why those comments should be considered racist, although Zhu conveniently left out the fact that the vast majority of white murders are committed by white people, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. But I’m sure Zhu has tweeted a lot about white-on-white crime. Let me go check.
Well, someone must have obviously deleted those tweets...
“Or stuff like that.”
But Zhu didn’t just tweet out a few anti-black talking points used by every white supremacist with an internet connection. Zhu extended her bold bigotry to Muslims, too, as Think Progress explained:
[O] ne of the now-deleted tweets in question stems from an incident in February 2018, when Zhu was a freshman at the University of Central Florida, in Orlando. Zhu reportedly sprinted away from a Muslim Student Associate table on campus after a fellow student offered her a chance to try on a hijab, a head covering many Muslim women wear, as part of a World Hijab Day celebration.
“There is a ‘try a hijab on’ booth at my college campus,” Zhu, who is Chinese-American, wrote in a now-deleted tweet. “So you’re telling me that it’s now just a fashion accessory and not a religious thing? Or are you just trying to get women used to being oppressed under Islam?”
In a separate tweet, Zhu criticized a sign at the Muslim Student Association table that said “My hijab empowers me.”
“The hypocrisy of this is kind of disgusting,” Zhu reportedly tweeted at the time.
And then there’s this one.
After she handed in her cubic zirconia crown, the hashtag #standwithkathyzhu took over Twitter. OK, only six people used the hashtag, but you know how Twitter suppresses conservative voices. Plus, when you consider the Disney Mermaid atrocity of 2019, the danger of Democrats instituting socialism, how hard it is to find a good pair of flag-emblazoned running shoes and the invasion Mexican toddlers crossing the border to take all the jobs, conservatives have their hands full trying to making America great again. But they were still angry enough to somehow twist the narrative into believing that Zhu lost her title because of her political beliefs while the pageant forced her to wear a hajib and banned from performing math on Twitter.
And of course, there were those who insisted that Zhu can’t be racist because she’s Chinese-American, which is like saying Hitler wasn’t a racist because he had Jewish and black ancestors.
However, I don’t understand why Zhu’s supporters are upset. I believe the pageant organizers handled the situation by using the principles of Trump and his conservative supporters. Zhu made public statements that some people thought were un-American. Therefore the people in charge did the only thing they could do in this situation:
They sent her back.
Now that is a thing of beauty.