That’s it. That’s the entire post. No others need apply. Ever.
But seriously, will you look at this woman? Icon. Entrepreneur. Inspiration. Survivor. Perpetual thriver. Rihanna is all of this and more and remains flawless while doing it. And the cover star of Harper’s Bazaar China’s August issue once again proves there’s no one better at creating an evocative moment, paying tribute to traditional Asian imagery while, as always, moving the conversation forward. (While many may instead consider this an appropriative moment, please note that the photographer, art director, fashion stylist and entire editorial team on this shoot are Chinese, making this their vision as much as hers).
This is what a global beauty, fashion and entertainment icon looks like, y’all.
Flawless. In fact, we have only one exception to take with Bazaar’s characterization of our beloved “Bad Gal RiRi;” an Instagram post lauding the shoot with the following caption:
Being born in Barbados, Rihanna(@badgalriri )has worked her way up from “nobody” to “somebody” with her musical talents. She is now a role model for girls all over the world, and she is even the “king of pop.”
While most commenters took issue with crowning Rih with the “king of pop” title, which we all know belongs to Michael Jackson (however troubled his legacy may be), we personally took offense to the implication that the Barbadian-born star was a “nobody” in her pre-fame years. If anything, Rihanna’s rise has proven that there are always stars in our midst, just waiting for the opportunity to shine.
As Erykah Badu succinctly commented on the post: “She was always somebody.”