Days removed from affirming that it’s “more difficult today to come out as a conservative than it is to come out as gay,” the “nigga” we love to hate—provocateur du jour Candace Owens—will be bringing her world-famous, traveling minstrel show to the House Judiciary Committee next week during a hearing on hate crimes and white nationalism.
As the only black girl with no magic, the conservative commentator—once hailed as “the last stand of implicit white identity” by a racist glass of milk named Richard Spencer—will join Eileen Hershenov, the senior vice president for policy at the Anti-Defamation League; Eva Paterson, president of the Equal Justice Society; and Neil Potts, public policy director of Facebook, among others, for the hearing on Tuesday, according to The Hill.
“This hearing will examine hate crimes, the impact white nationalist groups have on American communities and the spread of white identity ideology,” the committee said in a statement. “The hearing will also foster ideas about what social media companies can do to stem white nationalist propaganda and hate speech online.”
Owens is projected to go undrafted in the 2019 Racial Draft, but it’s safe to assume her prepared testimony will be in line with some of her more provocative opinions—such as being “OK” with Hitler’s sociopathic reign as long as it remained within Germany’s borders, or that whole Muslim ethnic cleansing thing she was ranting about in November.
But since I didn’t have any outro music prepared in time, here’s another one of her greatest hits to send you on your merry way.