Meet Eric Porterfield, the GOP Lawmaker Who Believes the LGBTQ Community 'Is a Modern Day Version of the Ku Klux Klan'

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I never thought I’d live to see the day where the gay community—a group that has incurred insane amounts of violence and discriminatory behavior—would be compared to the KKK—a hate group that has administered insane amounts of violence and discriminatory behavior.

But if America has taught us anything, it’s that where there’s a delusional white man’s will, there’s a delusional white man’s way. So here we are.

On Friday, West Virginia Republican delegate Eric Porterfield lost his rabid ass mind when he compared the gay community to the most notorious hate group in the history of Western Civilization—the Klu Klux Klan—with a straight face, according to Raw Story.


“The LGBTQ [sic] is a modern day version of the Ku Klux Klan,” Porterfield said, “without wearing hoods with their antics of hate.”


This ridiculous ass comment came days after he lampooned an anti-LGBT discrimination bill for being “bigoted” and “discriminatory”, but only after tossing in “faggot” to cement his straight, white male status as an endangered species.


“The LGBT is the most socialist group in this country,” he said during a House session on Wednesday. “They do not protect gays. There are many gays they persecute if they do not line up with their social ideology.”

But naturally, spewing absurdities like this elicited condemnation from his Democratic colleagues in the House of Delegates, as well as from Republican House Speaker Roger Hanshaw, who’s mulling removing his delusional cohort from committee assignments.


“I hope that no one would make those kind of statements,” Hanshaw said. “That sounds like nothing I would certainly ever agree with, but I would want to talk to him before I comment on what he said.”

WVDP Chairwoman Belinda Biafore has called for Porterfield’s resignation.

“First of all, Delegate Porterfield needs to resign,” she said in a statement. “West Virginia has no room for someone who expresses such hate. Let alone room for him to hold a public office where he is supposed to represent the people of West Virginia. His hate-filled remarks and actions speak volumes and so does the Republican Party’s silence. The Republican majority’s leadership needs to condemn these actions. Their silence is complicit and the people of West Virginia deserve better.”


But outside of public admonishment from his colleagues, Porterfield has also received threats and cordial invitations to catch hands.

Calling them “brutal monsters,” he said the “proof” of that description had already been demonstrated in the telephone threat.

Porterfield played a recording of the call, where a man identifies himself as a “faggot,” and calls Porterfield a “fucking coward,” asking him to call him out to fight.

“You bring as many people as you want,” the caller said. “Bring it on.”

He’s also noted that he received a menacing text calling him “slits-for-eyes”, an obvious dig at his blindness.


“I am terrified of these people,” said Porterfield, who is also a minister at his own Blind Faith Ministries. “They represent a socialist activist agenda. They are opponents of freedom.”