Looks like morning show audiences will be spared any further angst from Megyn Kelly. On Friday, NBC officially canceled her hour on the Today Show, Megyn Kelly Today, and, according to the Hollywood Reporter, isn’t even waiting until her season ends in December.
“Megyn Kelly Today is not returning. Next week, the 9 a.m. hour will be hosted by other Today co-anchors,” a brief statement from the network read. As for the staff of Kelly’s show, which shot in a separate studio from the rest of the Today Show, they will fortunately not become collateral damage, having been told they will keep their jobs.
No word on who the replacement anchors will be or what execs plan for Kelly’s slot, though one source told Vanity Fair, “I think the easy play is to just go back to Al, Dylan and Sheinelle.” However, her departure from the network isn’t technically final yet, according to her attorney, Bryan Freedman.
“Megyn remains an employee of NBC News and discussions about next steps are continuing,” he said. Undoubtedly, at issue is how Kelly’s three-year, reportedly $69 million contract, initiated in 2017, will be handled. Will NBC feel obligated to honor the remainder of the agreement, or challenge it, based on Kelly’s blackface comments, which may be considered breach of contract?
That remains to be seen, but for those speculating that Kelly will return to former network Fox, where her inflammatory comments were given free rein, don’t bet on it. According to Vanity Fair, a source close to Lachlan Murdoch, C.E.O. of Fox News’ parent company “New Fox,” said Murdoch is “extremely pleased with the current lineup.”
Ouch. Aside from her attorney, Kelly is currently without representation, having been dropped by entertainment agents CAA and unable to return to former agents UTA, who dropped out of talks amidst the controversy. And it looks like she’s only one buyout away from being out of a job—though she likely won’t need one. However, with the holidays rapidly approaching, should she want to work, I suppose she could always get a mall job as one of white Santa’s elves. ...
Or, we hear Trump is hiring.