'Plastered Peggy' Lists Reasons Why Cop Shouldn't Arrest Her, Claims She's a 'Very Clean, Thoroughbred, White Girl'

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A Bluffton, S.C., woman thought her whiteness would come in a clutch when she was stopped by police after plowing through a stop sign more than 30 miles an hour over the speed limit (allegedly while drunk to top it off) early Saturday morning.

The woman, identified by the New York Post as Lauren Elizabeth Cutshaw apparently told cops that she shouldn’t be arrested because she is a “very clean, thoroughbred, white girl,” according to a report by the Bluffton Police Department.

We are pettily pleased to announce that she was arrested anyway.

According to the Island Packet, Cutshaw’s run-in with officers occurred at around 1:45 a.m. Offices pulled over the 32-year-old after they watched her car speed through a four-way stop sign at 60 miles per hour.


The report by police notes that Cutshaw’s eyes were bloodshot and glossy, she was slurring her words and the scent of alcohol was wafting from her car. She hit the trifecta, guys.


Right away, ol’ Drunk Debbie told the cops that she had only had two glasses of wine, but when officers asked her to clarify how much she had filled the glasses with she said, “I mean, I was celebrating my birthday.”


Needless to say, she failed sobriety tests and a breathalyzer test showed that her blood alcohol level checked in at a solid .18 percent (the legal limit in South Carolina is 0.08 percent).

None of that fazed her though, Sauced Susan continued to list reasons why cops shouldn’t arrest her citing great points of moral character, including the fact that she’s had perfect grades her entire life, she was a cheerleader, she was a sorority girl, she graduated from a “high accredited university,” she was in the National Honors Society, and the fact that her partner is apparently a cop.


“I’m a white, clean girl,” she insisted.

Officers asked her what she meant by that, to which Cutshaw shook the table, insisting, “You’re a cop, you should know what that means,” according to the report.


“Making statements such as these as a means to justify not being arrested are unusual in my experience as a law enforcement officer and I believe further demonstrate the suspect’s level of intoxication,” the officer wrote in the report.

But yeah, this time at least, Drunk Debbie’s whiteness didn’t work for her and she was booked in Beaufort County Detention Center and faces charges for driving under the influence, disregarding a stop sign, simple possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia charge