1. Urban
2. Inner city
3. At risk
4. Low income
5. Thug
6. Welfare recipient/dependent
7. Any out of context reference to Chicago (This, btw, also works for Detroit.)
8. Drug dealer (Interestingly enough, not drug addict. Perhaps because drug addict implies a passivity and victimhood that drug dealer does not.)
9. Single parent(s)
10. Renter(s)
11. Transient population
12. Section 8
13. Underprivileged
14. Low socioeconomic status
15. Underserved
16. Affirmative action
17. Marginalized
18. Disinfranchised
19. Vulnearble
20. Minority/minorities
21. Hip-hop
22. Ghetto
23. Diverse people/population
24. Depressed neighborhood/school/people/population
25. High-crime neighborhood/school
26. Gang-related
27. Sketchy block/neighborhood
28. They
29. Those people
30. Them