#PermitPatty: White Woman Calls Police on 8-Year-Old Black Girl Selling Water, Says She Was Tired of the Noise [Updated]

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Updated: Saturday, June 23, 2018, 6:17 p.m. EDT: The woman appropriately dubbed #PermitPatty has been identified as Alison Ettel, who owns a weed-for-dogs business in San Francisco. But get this: Ettel, in an interview with HuffPost, says that she was not racially motivated to snitch on the 8-year-old but was tired of hearing the noise.

“They were screaming about what they were selling,” Ettel said. “It was literally nonstop. It was every two seconds: ‘Come and buy my water.’ It was continuous and it wasn’t a soft voice; it was screaming.”

Ettel even alleges that she was only pretending to call the police, and says that she’s left feeling “horrible and heart-wrenched.”


Yeah, whatever, #PermitPatty.


In today’s “Hold my beer” news, it looks as though there’s a new white woman who wants to dethrone #BBQBecky in the Calling Police on Black People for No Damn Reason Award competition. But this time, the unidentified white woman didn’t call the police on an adult but, rather, on an 8-year-old girl.


In the video, posted by @ladyesowavy on Instagram, a white woman in San Francisco called the police on the woman’s daughter for selling bottles of water in front of their apartment building.


“This woman don’t want a little girl to sell some water; she’s calling the police on an 8-year-old girl,” the mother, recording the video, said.

The white woman attempted to hide behind a stoop, but thankfully for America, she was followed.


“Don’t hide; the whole world gonna see you, boo,” the mother said.

“Illegally selling water without a permit?” the white woman said.

“On my property,” the mother stated.

“It’s not your property,” the white woman replied.

Although the video was only a few seconds long, you have to wonder what type of woman actually calls the police on a little kid. Well, now we don’t have to wonder.


The Beckydom knows no bounds.