Melania Trump Just Swaggerjacked Michelle Obama, Again. This Time With Her Stupidly Named ‘Be Best’ Initiative

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Back when America was great, and the Wakanda House held a respectable president and first lady, Michelle Obama sat with Oprah Winfrey during the White House Summit on the United State of Women in 2016.

“What can men do leaving here?” Winfrey asked.

“Be better,” Obama answered to guffaws from Winfrey and the crowd. “Be better at everything.”

It was a moment. In fact, some could argue that it was the moment of the summit.

Well, someone must have told Melania Trump, aka Michelle Obama’s “Single White Female,” that during that summit, Michelle Obama made a funny because on Monday, Melania Trump, aka Ofdonald, launched her new initiative in the White House Rose Garden. The name: “Be Best.”

Umm, WTF does that even mean? Seriously, what does “Be Best” mean? It’s not even “Be the Best,” it’s just “Be Best.” Which leads me to believe that when Melania Trump’s team tried to tell her that the correct wording would make her campaign three words, she refused and shouted: “Two words! Michelle had two words. I must have two words,” to which Melania Trump’s black staff member Fa’shon Jenkins, pronounced “Fashion,” replied, “I’m done with this shit: Be blessed.”


And just like that, “Be Best” was born.

According to the Associated Press, Melania Trump’s second-rate, stupidly named initiative will challenge children in three areas: physical health, social media and opioid abuse. Two of those could be used on her husband, but the Trumps hate each other and sleep in separate beds, so there is that.


“The first lady has spent more than a year reading to children, learning about babies born addicted to drugs and hosting major online and social media companies to talk about cyberbullying,” AP reports.


And then Melania Trump says that adults should “be best” at educating children about the importance of a healthy and balanced life. How about educating them about immigration laws and how they didn’t apply to the first lady or her family, but her husband is trying to kick everyone out of the country and build a dumbass wall?


This, of course, isn’t the first time that Melania Trump has stolen a satchelful of #BlackGirlMagic. There was Michelle Obama’s speech to the Democratic National Convention in 2008, which was lifted by Melania Trump and remixed and reused during the 2016 Republican National Convention.

Oh, and then there was Melania Trump’s white-lady Beyoncé “Formation” church hat.


In fact, the only thing real in Melania Trump’s life seems to be her hatred for her husband, and the defiance of her hand.