#StephonClark: Black Lives Matter Protests Will Continue ‘Until We Get Justice’

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The Sacramento, Calif., chapter of Black Lives Matter wants the two police officers who shot and killed 22-year-old Stephon Clark on March 18 to be fired and criminally charged. To that end, its members have been demonstrating outside the office of Sacramento District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert.

Chapter founder Tanya Faison told Capital Public Radio on Wednesday, “We’re going to be out here every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday until we get justice.”

Faison made her statement after the group had already spent several hours marching through the streets of downtown Sacramento.


The group’s demonstrations are usually scheduled to run from 3 to 5:30 p.m., but they often go on for much longer.


On the group’s Facebook invitation for Thursday’s action, it is mentioned that each time BLM shows up at her office, Schubert closes up shop and sends her employees home early.


“How long are her and her employees going to work half days on our dime?” the post asks.

“She thinks she’s in the clear but we are going to be at her office every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday till CHARGES ARE FILED,” the post proclaims.


If the DA’s timeline for her investigation is any indication, these demonstrations will continue for at least the next six to 12 months.

Judging by what we’ve already seen from Black Lives Matter Sacramento, they have the stamina to go the distance with this DA.