Cry Me a River of White Tears, White South African Colonizers

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Recently, Lauren Southern, Tomi Lahren’s Canadian sister in the white supremacist struggle, highlighted the perilous plight of white South Africans, who—gasp—are being discriminated against ... this, in the very country known throughout the world for its racial tolerance!

In a seven-minute documentary, this tone-deaf “alt-right” propagandist ruminates on the travails of white South Africans who are “going through an intense crisis” (complete with sad music in the background) in the very same country where their people colonized native South Africans into a brutal racial caste system beginning in the 1940s. Southern says that these whites are allegedly being displaced (all 60 of them, in this case) and have to live in “white settlement camps” on the outskirts of town because the nasty African National Congress-led government won’t help them.

“Whites in South Africa are being denied jobs and will soon have their land taken away without compensation,” writes Becky Boer Southern. “As a result, more and more people are finding themselves living on handouts in white squatter camps because they are routinely denied help from anywhere else.”

She then “exposes” these terrible conditions—whites living in one-room “shacks” with no electricity or water—none of which South Africa has ever, ever seen. Oh, except in the infamous shantytowns where tens of thousands of black South Africans were forced to live in conditions that would make that “shack” look like the fucking Ritz.


But the pièce de résistance comes when Southern interviews a white South African woman who says she can’t walk around her neighborhood at night because the blacks will “rape you, beat you up.” She says her children are being teased by black children “in their own language,” which she tearfully cannot understand. So much so that she actually wants to leave the country. “We are human beings just like them, just the color and the language is different.”


You don’t say.

The crazier part is how many South Africans and white Europeans were in shrill agony saying that what is happening to these deserving whites is the worst thing since Syrians bombed their own people with sarin gas (OK—they didn’t say that, but they did say they that should be “relocated.”)


They also said that what was happening was “rape culture.”

And, of course, that this is total “reverse racism” and that “White lives matter.”


Some black people, on the other hand, were nonplussed.

Of course, this response is labeled “inhumane.”

The question is, have these people no sense of history, context or irony? Maybe white poverty is increasing because they actually have to compete with blacks for jobs. Maybe they don’t work hard enough. Maybe they’re just dumb and lazy. I don’t know.


What’s really glaring is the sense of entitlement that white Americans and white South Africans both have. Hmm. Let’s see. What do they have in common? General wealth? Check. Some of the world’s highest rates of incarceration and HIV? Yup (except this affects only the blacks in those countries). What else? Oh yes, a once-legal but still-pervasive racial caste system, which gifts and curses whites into thinking that they are so much of a god that the world owes them something.

Here’s an idea for these poor, sad, white South Africans: Get a job. Work harder. Do better. Don’t rely on the government so much. Stop having kids. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Go back to your own country.


The gall of these people is incredible. Truly ah-mazing.