Black Twitter Hilariously Imagines Blackest Nation Ever With #InWakanda Hashtag

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Since the announcement of Marvel’s Black Panther, black audiences have anxiously awaited the release of Marvel’s incredible superhero epic. (No, I haven’t seen it, but even if it turns out to be Madea Goes to Wakanda, I’m still going to give it a 37-star rating.)

Even though Wakanda is a paradise as fictional as the utopian America that Donald Trump supporters so badly want to make great again, on Friday, some dude named Michael Harriot (yes, we are related) started using the hashtag #InWakanda to describe what Africa could have been if wypipo hadn’t gone over there fucking with it.

Black Twitter immediately noticed the hashtag and took off with it before the “alt-right” trolls got a chance to sully it by suggesting that we pack our stuff up and leave (as if black people landed in America by accident on a lost episode of Gilligan’s Island).


Because I am as lost on Twitter as a Caucasian in a chicken-seasoning contest, I had no idea anyone would pay the hashtag any attention. Since it’s too late to catalog all of the #InWakanda tweets, here are my top 10:

10. Many of the #InWakanda tweets were food-related:


9. The education is top-notch:


8. I admit I am sometimes guilty of the following. I think Scarlett Johansson is pretty ... for a white girl.


7. “Lift Every Voice and Sing” is the alternate ...


6. The band Sexual Chocolate is very popular #InWakanda:


5. This one is hard to believe:


4. As long as you have T’ChallaCare ...


3. The entire nation is ash-free:


2. The Wakandan government is filled with recognizable names:


1. And finally:


Does anyone know if Southwest has a direct flight to Wakanda?