Although we now have Black Panther, Black Mirror and A Wrinkle in Time—films that, in fact, employ black actors to play black characters—a few years back, black folks in mainstream sci-fi and fantasy were few and far between.
As Ashley Nkadi recently wrote for The Root, we were usually “erased” from these genres, though rich racial metaphors abound: “In these fictional worlds, anything could happen: magic, dragons, travel through space and time. Anything, that is, except diversity.”
But fear not; that will never happen. Not in the real world, not even in a reimagined fantasy world.
Not when there’s #BlackHogwarts, which used GIFs, pics and notes to infuse the world of Harry Potter with a rich stew of magic and melanin.
Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling was feeling it, and so was I (sorry, non-Potter fans, the jokes are kinda insidery).