Witness: Robert Mueller’s Federal Grand Jury Looks Like Black Lives Matter Rally

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So it turns out that special counsel Robert Mueller might be a secret Hotep who is an ally of the nation of Wakanda, as the supporters of President Donald Trump are tight after learning that Mueller’s grand jury has too many black people on it.

Apparently, a Trump associate who testified told a New York Post columnist that the grand jury looked like a Black Lives Matter group.

“The grand jury room looks like a Bernie Sanders rally,” the witness said, Page Six reports. “Maybe they found these jurors in central casting, or at a Black Lives Matter rally in Berkeley.”


Welcome to what black Americans feel on a daily basis whenever they face a jury of their “peers” and their peers don’t look anything like them. The witness claimed that 11 of the 20 jurors were black, which, HuffPost notes, shouldn’t be that surprising considering that gentrification in Washington, D.C., hasn’t swallowed the entire city, meaning that there is still a stronghold of black people holding on to residency there.


The witness shed full-sized white tears to Page Six, claiming that there “was only one white male in the room, and he was a prosecutor.”


The grand jury is not deciding whether or not the president or his minions are guilty but, rather, whether or not there is probable cause to proceed with possible charges.

The idea that the president is being railroaded is a consistent cry coming from White House officials and those who believe in his white nationalist idealism. So the idea of a grand jury that is made up of several African Americans feels just. And fair. And completely American.


Thank you, black baby Wakanda God. Thank you!

Read more at Page Six and HuffPost.