MSNBC’s Joy Reid is known for her poise, intelligence and depth of knowledge about politics. But clearly she will cut you (with her words, of course) if you cross a line.
As usual, former Republican Rep. Joe Walsh done danced all over that line and felt the wrath of Reid’s Twitter fingers for doing so.
By now, we all know that Michael Che of Saturday Night Live called Donald Trump a “bitch” and a “cracker” on Saturday’s season opener. Like so many racists who love to call black people racist, Walsh couldn’t wait to set the false equivalency by saying that another comedian couldn’t use the word “nigger” to describe Obama.
Reid responded to Walsh’s tweet by saying what we all know: that Walsh was probably DYING to use the n-word and that we all see through his jive ass like glass.
Oh, but she wasn’t finished, though. Walsh, who apparently has some child support issues and tried to come back, got served white-hot bars on his deadbeat-dad status on top of that. First Reid called him a “pathetic, febrile, impotent racist” and then told him to “find the character to take care of his children.”
Even I winced on that one. “Damn, Joy,” I said as I smirked and giggled just a little (OK, a lot).