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18 People Whose Major Fibs Made Them Worthy of Being #Cancelled

18 People Whose Major Fibs Made Them Worthy of Being #Cancelled

Rudy Giuliani, George Santos and more really thought they could sit on their throne of lies forever.

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Photo: Brandon Bell (Getty), The Today Show, Victor J. Blue (Bloomberg/Getty)

From Rudy Giuliani to George Santos, there are so many people who bend the truth to gain influence or push a certain agenda or narrative. Eventually, some of them lie so much they begin to believe the farce is reality. Isn’t that scary?


What’s even scarier is the fact that some of these lies are coming from people in power—such as Trump, or his biggest fan, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Some come from people who are trying to rewrite history to fit their personal beliefs *cough* Ron DeSantis *cough*. And then there are the white lies that get everyday people in trouble and sometimes even killed.

Now it’s high time to call these people out on their BS, and these 18 people in particular told lies that ought to get them #cancelled.

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Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani

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Photo: Brandon Bell (Getty Images)

Two Atlanta election workers minding their business got caught in the “Stop The Steal” mess because Giuliani accused them of election fraud. After being exposed by the two, Giuliani admitted that he falsified the remark. Now, he’s hemmed up in a lawsuit, in addition to his alleged role in the Jan 6. insurrection.

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George Santos

George Santos

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Photo: Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg (Getty Images)

George Santos might as well have let bootlegged ChatGPT write his resume. Like, if you’re going to lie about your qualifications at least let them sound convincing. He fibbed about everything from his education to his “Jewish heritage” and allegedly his service dog dying, all to swindle GoFundMe donations.


It was only a matter of time until he was expelled from Congress. Good riddance.

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The Blind Side

The Blind Side

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Photo: Streeter Lecka (Getty Images)

If you don’t want your favorite movie ruined, scroll to the next slide. The whole Black-boy-turn-football-star-adopted-by-a-loving-white-family storyline is FAKE. The movie’s inspiration, former NFL player Michael Oher, said he was never adopted but was tricked into signing a conservatorship. Under the guise that he was adopted, he claimed the family made millions off the film adaption of his life and paid him nothing.

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Elon Musk

Elon Musk

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Photo: STR/NurPhoto (Getty Images)

Dare we say he’s almost as bad as Trump when it comes to the Twitter fingers (or X, whatever). But with every lie, he’s received his own karma. For example, Musk alleged he would take Tesla private fully funded at just $420, poking fun at the national marijuana holiday 4/20. However, he ended up getting sued for fraud and was led to step down as chairman from the company.

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Rachel Dolezal

Rachel Dolezal

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Screenshot: The Today Show

Because why are we just supposed to forget that she conned everyone - even the GAT-damn NAACP - into believing she was a Black woman? If she was exposed in the 2024 era of social media, she would’ve never dared to show her face again. (And I’m STILL mad about that fake type 4 fro on her head.)

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Michael Guglielmucci

Michael Guglielmucci

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Screenshot: YouTube

SMH: Dude tried to hide his sin by committing another one. After being exposed for his porn addiction, he announced a cancer diagnosis that broke the hearts of so many of his followers (again). He literally traveled and performed his song “Healer” with an oxygen tube up his damn nose collecting sympathies and donations for his imaginary treatment. He eventually admitted years later that the whole thing was a hoax to distract people from his addiction.

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“Lucky Bones” Author Alice Sebold

“Lucky Bones” Author Alice Sebold

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Photo: Leonardo Cendamo (Getty Images)

In her defense, author Alice Sebold was not the only one to screw over Anthony Broadwater, the man who was wrongfully convicted of raping her. The police played a major role in making him the star suspect in her rape. However, after failing to identify Broadwater in a lineup, she wrote about her attack banking off the false narrative that Broadwater was the one who assaulted her. She apologized after his conviction was vacated in 2023.

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Donald Trump

Donald Trump

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Photo: GWR/Star Max/GC (Getty Images)

The Washington Post discovered that this orange-spray-tanned son of a gun made up to 30,573 false or misleading claims over his entire presidency... in dollars, that’s enough to clean out half my student loans. From his fake Swedish descent to false claims about America’s unemployment rate, he could be considered a straight up impulsive liar. His biggest lie is the claim that the election was “stolen” from him and that he actually won which... I mean, YOU tell me who’s in the White House right now. SMH, the man’s a menace.

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Ex-Detective Kelly Goodlett

Ex-Detective Kelly Goodlett

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Screenshot: CNN

Ahhh, the crooked Louisville cop who put a falsified remark in the search warrant leading to the deadly Breonna Taylor raid. The DOJ said Goodlett falsely claimed that the suspect in question used Taylor’s home as his home address knowing damn well he ain’t live there. She was also aware of another false claim - that a mailman confirmed Taylor’s address to be the target for the narcotics raid - but didn’t question it or protest its inclusion in the warrant.

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Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley

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Photo: Sam Wolfe/Bloomberg (Getty Images)

The whole “America was never racist” was almost comical. How can we expect you to run a country on the ignorant belief that its very foundations wasn’t built on the backs of enslaved Black people who were tortured and mutilated?

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Central Park Karen

Central Park Karen

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Screenshot: YouTube

Sorry - she did get cancelled *laugh emoji.* That video, recorded by birdwatcher Chris Cooper, was filled with fake white woman tears and exaggerated shouts of distress. If the dispatcher believed Miss Amy Cooper, you would’ve thought she was about to be murdered. Her lie that she was being threatened by the innocent Black man landed her a charge of making a false report.

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SoHo Karen

SoHo Karen

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Photo: Ventura County Sheriff’s Office

Miya Ponsetto assaulted and harassed a Black teen she falsely accused of stealing her phone all to find it in the back of an Uber. The video of her tantrum would have made you think the poor kid did more than snatch an iPhone. She ended up pleading guilty to second-degree unlawful imprisonment as a hate crime and second-degree aggravated harassment.

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Herschel Walker

Herschel Walker

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Photo: Alex Wong (Getty Images)

If we believed Walker when he said he found the cure for COVID-19, I think every single person in the United States would be dead right now. He falsely claimed to have a “magic mist” that would rid the body of the deadly virus made from snake oil (???). He also lied about finishing his college degree on several different platforms containing his biography. And somehow, he thought he was going to make it to the Senate.

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Eric Adams

Eric Adams

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Photo: Jason Mendez/Getty Images for (BAM) Brooklyn Academy of Music (Getty Images)

As revealed recently, the ex-cop turn-mayor of New York City admitted that an excerpt in his book detailing an encounter where he blasted off a gun at school, thinking it was toy, was a farce. He blamed it on his co-writer and claimed the book never went to made it to publishing but if that’s the case, why is it still listed on Amazon?

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Madison Cawthorn

Madison Cawthorn

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Photo: Allison Joyce (Getty Images)

In an effort to land sympathy points in his bid for the GOP in 2020, he lied about getting in a car accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down, crushing his dream to go to the Naval Academy. The truth is, his ailment came before he even applied to the academy and he was rejected. However, he harped on that to guarantee his success in the election.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene

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Photo: Kent Nishimura (Getty Images)

The biggest Karen of Congress has too many flagrant lies to count but one notable lie is when she claimed she never called the Parkland shooting a “false flag” and got outed by “60 Minutes” reporter Lesley Stahl. She also lied that Biden is responsible for a fentanyl-related death that actually occurred during her buddy Trump’s time in office and spilled more false information about the 2020 election. Girl, give it a rest.

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Ron DeSantis

Ron DeSantis

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Photo: Brandon Bell (Getty Images)

His whole anti-woke war against Critical Race Theory is built on the lie that the purpose of it is to make white people feel guilty and “falsely” paint America as inherently racist. No, Ron. America actually is inherently racist. Instead, the governor would rather tout that slave’s left the cotton field with insurance benefits and that any book containing knowledge about existing in the world as a Black person is going to harm the children... tell that to every Millennial who had to read “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

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Kayleigh McEnany

Kayleigh McEnany

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Photo: John Lamparski (Getty Images)

She put up her best lies trying to cover for former President Trump and got exposed right along with him. She claimed he never downplayed COVID, endorsed his lies about the Mueller-Russia report and even helped promote the idea that the election featured “illegal votes” - the exact argument behind the “Stop The Steal” rampage. How does she still have a career? God knows.
