In today’s water-is-wet news, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.)—arguably one of the realest to ever do it—told guests gathered at Netroots Nation conference on Friday that the “Republican Party today is the party of racism” and former President Abraham Lincoln wouldn’t kick it with these racists.
“You hear Republicans say, ‘We’re the party of Lincoln.’ He wouldn’t recognize these people,” the Democratic National Committee deputy chairman said, CNN reports. “The fact is that the Republican Party today is the party of racism. Now, I’m not saying every Republican is a racist, but I’m saying their party does hold that up. ... It is the Republican Party in 2017 that says, ‘Wall them off, ban them out, no transgender in the military.’ If it’s mean, if it’s racist, if it’s greedy, it’s coming from them.”
Ellison told his truth during a panel discussion at Netroots Nation, an annual conference of internet-savvy political activists. “Ellison was the only representative from the party on the panel, and he made the comments after criticism from fellow panelists of Democrats, especially after the bruising primary fight in 2016 and failure to take control of the White House,” CNN reports.
Ellison argued that while the Democratic Party has its faults, it was still the best option for people of color who are interested in changing the nation.
“I’m going to be with the people who are most likely to win and have policies that are saying we do believe America is a nation of immigrants, we are against racism, we believe in civil rights and we do believe that there ought to be a right to organize, and we need to address climate,” he said, adding, “You’re not going to have perfection.”
Please point to the lie in the comments. I’ll be here for the rest of the evening.
Read more at CNN.