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15 TikTok Conspiracies About 2025 That Will Make Your Head Spin

15 TikTok Conspiracies About 2025 That Will Make Your Head Spin

Military-controlled weather? Baba Vanga's premonitions? Updated Doomsday clock? This is all just TOO much.

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Photo: Justin Sullivan (Getty Images)

Would it be safe to say that the re-election of President Donald Trump has sent some people into a frenzy? I mean, folks already believe the country is headed back to the 1960s but there’s another population of people who think way beyond sudden plane crashes and natural disasters.


Enter: the conspiracy theorists. So-called retired FBI agents, spiritual “prophets” and Simpsons fans have been bombarding social media (particularly, TikTok) with their theories on who’s really in control, what they’re putting in the food and more conspiracies. While some theories have enough facts to make it believable, a lot of them are just projections of a person’s imagination.

Check out 15 of them ranging from alien visitations to Trump’s damned presidency.

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Military-Controlled Weather?

Military-Controlled Weather?


In a pixelized video of author and environmental writer Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, she explained that the Air Force said they want to “control the weather by 2025.” She then went on to explain weather modification, showed how the government had been affecting the weather through chemical pollutants and even explained how commercial planes “spray us” with chemical poisons as they pass through the sky.

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Catastrophic Earthquake

Catastrophic Earthquake


If you ask Siri what happens to the Philippines on April 22nd, 2025, she may respond with “I don’t know” or with this weird, cryptic response.

“On April 22nd, 2025 at 4:00 a.m., the Philippines will be hit by [an] 8.2 magnitude earthquake, causing tall neon and pent tuba volcanoes to erupt,” said one guy’s creepy Siri.

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Baba Vanga’s Cryptic Warning

Baba Vanga’s Cryptic Warning


Vanga is a Bulgarian conspiracist who claimed when she lost her sight at the age of 12, she was gifted with prophecy. According to one TikTok lady, Vanga predicted World War III this year, that we would make contact with extraterrestrials and also that humans would develop “telepathic abilities” to communicate with one another - sounds Elon Musky, eh?

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FBI Agent’s Conspiracy

FBI Agent’s Conspiracy


In 2018 a treasure hunter tipped off the FBI to a large cache of buried, stolen Civil War gold in a rural part of Elk County, Penn. Apparently, the guy had been looking for the loot since 2011 but not just for money. His research revealed there was a secret society called the Knights of the Golden Circle who worked to sabotage the North by stealing and hiding their gold. Once the Feds got involved in the search, they discovered a “large mass” underground where the gold was found. However, after two days of extensive searching, nothing was found.

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Transfer of Wealth

Transfer of Wealth


One TikToker encouraged his viewers to pay less attention to distractions placed in our face from media and news and pay more attention to what he calls “the largest wealth transfer in history” - which he claims is happening right now. He then defined wealth as anything that has value when money no longer has value. He then listed ten things he believes constitutes to wealth: family, legacy, safety and security, information, resources, land, property, ability to manufacture, talent, reputation.

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Doomsday Theory

Doomsday Theory


A woman named Peggy Bolton made a video comparing the Doomsday map of America to the map of land highlighting what Bill Gates owns. She pointed out that the farmland he owns overlaps with the land the Doomsday map showed would be spared from disaster.

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Warning from 90s Movie?

Warning from 90s Movie?

They Live (1988) - The Power Elite Scene (8/10) | Movieclips

Y’all remember that movie “They Live?” TikTok brought back to remembrance the ballroom scene with the Power Elite, where the man at the podium tells the audience he assumes that by 2025, America will be under their control. Multidimensional expansion, teleportation, and more futuristic themes are packed into the scene - creating an eerily similar comparison to today.

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Famine is Coming?

Famine is Coming?


Apostle Arome Osayi from “A Great Light Channel” told his congregation in an undated clip that they must go back to farming. Yes, mules and plows. Why? He said a season is underway where famine will face the nation.

“2025 is the last year of preparation. From 2026, we will see the year of the great famine,” he said.

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January’s Forecast

January’s Forecast


This lady pointed out that allegedly after Trump got reelected, Google flagged the USA as being a “sensitive” country when it comes to SEO and designation on Google Maps. That puts us in the ranking of extremist countries such as Russia and China.

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Alien Attack

Alien Attack


Dr. Steven Greer, ufologist and founder of the Center for Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, said in an undated video that he’s received word from communication centers at certified bases that they received intercepted communications from “non-human intelligence” that they are tired of us capturing and harming them and their people in a violent manner. Who’s them?!

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Ocean Premonition?

Ocean Premonition?


This TikToker said his wife was at work, near the beaches of St. Augustine, Florida when a random woman pulled up beside her vehicle and ran from her vehicle screaming, “I know what’s coming!” while pointing at the waves. He dated the video Dec. 30, 2025 and warned everyone to refer back to the account if anything weird happens.

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DC Plane Crash Conspiracy

DC Plane Crash Conspiracy


This TikToker went digging for some real spooky stuff. First he opened the video pointing out that Trump blames the American Airlines/Blackhawk flight crash on DEI and also noted that Elon Musk forced the head of the Federal Aviation Administration to resign upon Trump taking office. However, this guy rediscovered a tweet from Musk dated Jan. 9, 2024 where he writes, “It will take an airplane crashing and killing hundreds of people for them to change this crazy policy of DEI.” Whatchu mean by that?

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Leviathan Spirit After Trump

Leviathan Spirit After Trump


Pastor Brian Carn told his congregation one Sunday that there are many spirits after Trump’s life, one being the “Leviathan.”

“Leviathan’s pride is in his neck. The Bible says the scales are so tight, no air could get in. That means you’re so proud that even God can’t reach you,” he said. He followed by encouraging his congregation to pray that the right people come around him to give him the Scripture.

He said the last time he gave the same prophecy about another president, he claimed the CIA showed up to his house.

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What Will Happen to Joe Biden?

What Will Happen to Joe Biden?


This girly made a whole list of her predictions for 2025, including Lebron James retiring, Trump and Elon Musk having a “public fallout,” Gypsy Rose getting pregnant again and, in sad news, the death of former President Joe Biden.

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AI Conspiracies

AI Conspiracies

Image for article titled 15 TikTok Conspiracies About 2025 That Will Make Your Head Spin
Screenshot: wizawoza (TikTok)

In only three words, ChatGPT responded to a series of 2025 prediction questions. To the question of whether TikTok will be banned, the bot responded, “Unlikely, but debated.” To the question of what will happen in the Middle East, the bot said, “Tensions will persist.” Most accurately, to the question of how Trump’s return to office will go, the bot said, “Controversial and polarizing.” Welp, the robot got something right.
