According to news reports, Eric Mays just passed away. After hearing of the funny and edgy councilman’s untimely death, we thought we’d share this story with you again. RIP Mr. Mays:
If you don’t know who Eric Mays is, you are about to find out. Mays is a Flint City Councilman who has gone viral on the internet for the past couple of weeks for his filterless responses, witty rebuttals and angry outbursts during council meetings.
He’s the embodiment of “You got me messed up.”
Though holding people accountable (in his own way) and asking the hard questions about the issues facing Flint residents, his disruptive behavior continuously got him kicked out of meetings and got him charged for disorderly conduct in council meetings. Yet, he’s gained a loyal fanbase of millennials and Gen Zers on social media who adore his personality. They have T-shirts going around, named him sexiest man alive and use his outbursts as voiceovers in videos.
His popularity on TikTok has gotten not-so-happy recognition from his colleagues. Treat yourself to a good laugh and take a look at 27 of the most popular Eric “MF” Mays moments including those from his triumphant return back to work.