15 Famous 1st Black Tweets: Thanks, Twitter!

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To celebrate the microblogging site’s own eighth birthday, this week the folks at Twitter unveiled their new #FirstTweet finder page—an easy way to see what your tweeps said when they first jumped into the Twitter fray. It’s also an easy way to see if your favorite notables had any Twitter game when they first joined. Here’s a few of those who did:

1. @BarackObama

Just one more signature. Sure, that’ll do it, Sen. Obama.

2. @ShondaRhimes

Actual black POTUS is so 2009. I think I’ll write a show about a white POTUS with a black girlfriend.

3. @JanelleMonae

Just sitting in my space capsule here at mission control on planet Metropolis.

4. @FloydMayweather

Of course you are.

5. @NickCannon

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Mariah Carey.

6. @AngelaSimmons

That’s kinda aggressive.

7. @THEHermanCain

No. 6: Probably don’t vote for Herman Cain. No 7: Spellcheck.

8. @MissMelyssaFord

Girl, you know everyone can read these, right?

9. @boriskodjoe

Someone’s in the running for Dad of the Year.

10. @thesheertruth

Turns out she gets funnier later on.

11. @WhoopiGoldberg

We know you’re shy, Whoopi.

12. @SpikeLee

Mars Blackmon in the house.

13. @TheRealEve

Keeping it conscious.

14. @HenryLouisGates

The Root’s fearless leader already knows the answer. But do you?

15. @DrMayaAngelou

Love her.

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