Across the country, there have been continuous efforts to ban books from libraries and schools that deal with issues of race and sexuality. And it’s no coincidence that many of those books were written by authors that identify as LGBTQ or Black. But as conservatives push to keep people from reading these books, it’s important that we push just as hard on the other side to keep them in circulation.
October 1 - 7 is Banned Books Week, an event that emphasizes the importance of unobstructed access to information and ideas. This year’s theme “Let Freedom Read” calls on all of us to do our part to stop book bans and support the authors, educators and booksellers who want to make books as widely available as possible. Actor and reading advocate LeVar Burton is this year’s honorary Banned Books Week chair and a perfect choice to educate others on the dangers of censorship.
“Books bring us together. They teach us about the world and each other. The ability to read and access books is a fundamental right and a necessity for life-long success,” Burton said. “But books are under attack. They’re being removed from libraries and schools. Shelves have been emptied because of a small number of people and their misguided efforts toward censorship. Public advocacy campaigns like Banned Books Week are essential to helping people understand the scope of book censorship and what they can do to fight it. I’m honored to lead Banned Books Week 2023.”
We’ve rounded up some of our favorite books by Black authors that are frequent targets of conservatives. Accused of everything from sexually explicit content to making white people feel bad about slavery, haters just can’t keep these titles out of their mouths.