$15,000 Reward for Killer of Brooklyn Mom

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A $15,000 reward is being offered to help find the killer of Zurana Horton, who died shielding schoolchildren from the gunfire of a rooftop shooter in Brownsville, Brooklyn, the New York Daily News reports.

The NYPD's Crime Stoppers program, the Urban Community Council and 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement joined forces to put up the bounty in the wake of the latest gang-related shooting of an innocent bystander. 

Friends and neighbors of hero mom Zurana Horton cried out for peace Sunday night as they marched from the scene of Friday's bloodshed in Brownsville to the nearby housing projects reeling from violence.


"Peace signs up. Put the guns down!" about 75 people chanted during the vigil and march.


At one point, participants had to stop and break up a beef between rivals of the Seth Low Houses and the Tilden Houses.


"This is stupid," said Tony Herbert, head of the Urban Community. "We're just out here marching and they wanna start fighting."

The Root reported Horton's heartbreaking story here over the weekend, lamenting the lack of national media coverage. We hope that the small amount of reward money will encourage someone to come forward with information, but there is no replacement for dedicated police work. 


Read more at the Daily News.

In other news: Pat Buchanan Makes Racist Claims in New Book.

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