Don't be stubborn when it comes to love, Essence's Kevin Carr tells black women. He aims to shine a spotlight on the most-ignored types of Mr. Rights.
Mr. Nice Guy
Confession: I had to get over my own "nice guys finish last" complex here. Every woman that I have every sent flowers to, turned out not to be as interested in me as I was her. Talk about a deterrent! In all seriousness, when a guy has genuine interest, he can't help but to show it. …
Mr. Friend Zone
He's smart, funny and you guys have great conversation. That sounds like chemistry to me. Close friends know you in a way that your partners hope to. Not only do they know you, but they accept you too
Mr. No Degree
So many of us fall into the trap of measuring a person's quality by whether or not they possess a college degree. Don't let this be you. A degree, or lack thereof, doesn't define who a man really is
The White Guy
Plenty of black men freely date outside of their race and if you desire to, you should too. At times, dating can become a numbers game. It's best to give yourself more options, not less. Love is colorblind.
Read Kevin Carr's entire piece at Essence.
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