Rep. Steve King Is Starting to Sound Like a Damn Nazi

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It’s becoming very difficult to report on Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa because half the time, I don’t know what the hell he’s talking about. On Sunday he tweeted, “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”

What the hell does that even mean?

Looking at King’s sketchy-ass past, one can assume that he means that the white race can’t continue to prosper if it keeps diluting pure, white genes with interracial procreation. That felt like some real Nazi-esque stuff that I didn’t want to touch.

We here at The Root don’t want to label anyone racist. That’s a tough label that requires a substantial amount of proof, and while I can’t say that King is racist, I can say that a former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard loved the tweet and Rep. John Lewis called it “bigoted and racist,” CNN reports.


CNN’s Chris Cuomo had the Republican on his New Day show to try to clear up what the tweet meant, but once King started talking, it all just sounded like blah-blah-racisty-blah-racisty-blah.

What the hell is King talking about? Seriously. He sounds like a person who hates people because of their race (not calling him a racist, because we don’t do that here!) trying super hard not to sound like a person who hates people because of their race.


King noted that his position was not about race but, rather, “our stock, our country, our culture, our civilization,” and that “we need to have enough babies to replace ourselves.” Yes, because there is a crazy baby shortage going on in America that has him deeply concerned that the human race will become extinct.


Oh, that’s right, there is no baby shortage! Babies are fine. America has never had a problem procreating.


According to CNN, King told Iowa radio host Jan Mickelson on 1040 WHO on Monday that black and Hispanics “will be fighting each other” before they overtake the majority of the population.

The conversation started with a discussion of Univision anchor Jorge Ramos’ (shoutout, Jorge Ramos, one of the realest to ever do it!) comment on Fox that “whites would become a majority-minority demographic in America by 2044, a point Ramos used to make the argument that it is a multiracial country,” according to CNN.


“Jorge Ramos’ stock-in-trade is identifying and trying to drive wedges between races,” King said on the radio show, according to CNN. “Race and ethnicity, I should say, to be more correct. When you start accentuating the differences, then you start ending up with people that are at each other’s throats. And he’s adding up Hispanics and blacks into what he predicts will be in greater number than whites in America. I will predict that Hispanics and the blacks will be fighting each other before that happens.”

King ended his interview by suggesting that people read The Camp of the Saints by French author Jean Raspail, “a book about Europe being overcome by immigrants which has also frequently been referenced by top Trump adviser Steve Bannon. The book has been criticized as presenting a racist view of immigration,” CNN reports.


Read more at CNN.