President Pussy Grab got jokes.
Despite the fact that he’s been accused of sexual misconduct by more than a dozen women—most recently in February when a former campaign staffer accused him of kissing her against her will—Melania’s baby daddy collected some cheap laughs at our embattled former vice president Joe Biden’s expense at a fundraiser for the National Republican Congressional Committee.
While revisiting a conversation he had with a general, he took the following dig, according to the Washington Post:
“I said, ‘General, give me a kiss.’ I felt like Joe Biden. But I meant it,” Trump said, prompting laughter from the crowd.
Obviously this was a clear jab at the accusations of inappropriate contact that threaten to derail Biden’s potential presidential bid, but Trump didn’t stop there.
At another point in his remarks, Trump mentioned the 2020 White House race and said that the only Democratic candidate who is not a socialist is “being taken care of pretty well by the socialists” — a nod to unproven claims by some Biden supporters that the recent accusations against him are being pushed by his political rivals.
“I was going to say, ‘Welcome to the world, Joe. You having a good time, Joe?’ ” Trump said.
Did I mention that more than a dozen women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct?
Clearly the Mueller Report was a bust, but let us hope and pray an indictment or seven magically fall from the sky so we can all move on with our lives already.