Updated Thursday, May 25, 2017, 2:45 p.m. EDT: Nicholas Dean has been fired from his position at Crescent Leadership Academy.
“He will not return as the Principal or be associated with Crescent Leadership Academy,” the charter school’s parent group and board said in a statement Thursday.
Crescent Leadership Academy Superintendent Tracy Bennett-Joseph confirmed Monday that Principal Nicholas Dean was removed from campus, the Times-Picayune previously reported. Dean was removed from the campus before the video mentioned below came to light today.
Nicholas Dean, the principal of Crescent Leadership Academy, a charter school in New Orleans that has a predominantly black student body, appeared in a YouTube video wearing rings “associated with white nationalism and the Nazi movement,” the New Orleans Times-Picayune’s Danielle Dreilinger reports.
Dean was also photographed at the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee next to a Confederate flag.
According to the Times-Picayune, Dean claimed that he only went as a “student of history” to witness the long-overdue removal of the Confederate monuments.
“I didn’t go to protest for either side. I went because I am a historian, educator and New Orleans resident who wanted to observe this monumental event,” Dean said. “People who know me know that I am a crusader for children and I fight tirelessly on their behalf.”
The video of Dean wearing Nazi rings—posted on YouTube on Thursday by photographer Abdul Aziz—tells a different story, as does his appearance on a “white genocide” podcast where he said some people know him as a white supremacist.
More from the Times-Picayune:
In both the video and the “Guerrilla Radio” podcast, Dean identifies himself as “Nick Andrews.” He says straight off in the podcast that he works in a charter school that enrolls mostly African-American students.
The podcast host says, “So it’s probably fair to say, then, you’re not a white supremacist, or some crazy KKK member from the Confederate past?”
Dean responds, “I am not by my definition, absolutely not. But by others,’ most certainly.”
As previously reported by The Root, the New Orleans charter school experiment post-Hurricane Katrina has been met with strong resistance from community leaders. In addition to issues such as the pushout and criminalization of black students, many black educators were fired and replaced by white so-called educators (read: opportunists) with a dangerous investment in the miseducation of black and brown children.
In Dean’s case, his blatant embrace of symbols that represent white supremacy, domestic terrorism, and the genocide of both black and Jewish populations shows that he actively hates the black children entrusted to his care.
Parents of Crescent Leadership Academy: You have an enemy in the midst, as do we all.
Read more at the Times-Picayune.