After American University elected the first African-American woman to lead its student body, the white supremacist leader who founded one of the largest hate sites on the internet began an online campaign to troll her and her sorority with racist taunts, according to a report by ABC News.
Taylor Dumpson recently began her tenure as student government president at American University—the first black woman elected to that position at the school. Dumpson is also a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, the oldest black sorority, founded in 1908 at Howard University. On May 1, students at the university awoke to bananas hanging from nooses, with the letters “AKA” scrawled on the fruit.
The racist incident shook the campus and made national headlines. The next day, AU campus police released video of the suspect.
The campus also released a student safety advisory (pdf) warning about online harassment that contained information that American University police received from the Anti-Defamation League’s monitoring of white supremacist social media accounts, but no one could figure out what kind of hateful vermin would target college students.
It turns out that Andrew Anglin, the neo-Nazi who founded the Daily Stormer (no, we’re not going to provide a link to it), is trying to start a racist, grassroots crusade to harass Taylor Dumpson, Alpha Kappa Alpha and the students of American University.
Named after Nazi Julius Streicher’s anti-Semitic weekly newspaper, Der Stürmer, which specialized in pornographic attacks on Jews, the Daily Stormer is one of the most popular web destinations for neofascists interested in anti-Semitism, homophobia, woman-hating and racism.
In a May 4 Daily Stormer post, Anglin posted pictures and video of Dumpson, along with links to her Facebook account and American University’s Twitter address. The human box of well-preserved Hitler shit sarcastically encouraged the readers to “send her some words of support,” adding that they should “let her know you fully support her struggle against bananas.”
When school officials learned of the posts, they provided police protection for Dumpson, which apparently infuriated the site’s readers, who—and we can only make this judgment based on their grammar and spelling—think of postsecondary education in the same way Superman thinks of kryptonite.
A couple of days later, another knuckle dragger who was butt-hurt about his mental and genetic deficiencies proudly authored another post eloquently titled, “Nigger Agitator Gets Police Bodyguards Because of Daily Stormer.” This time, the poster specifically mentioned the sorority, lamenting how the “kike hive known as the ADL has stuck their big jew nose in” while disregarding every facet of subject-verb agreement.
So whenever you hear the cowards arguing that they don’t “hate” other races and only want to put “America first,” remember that “alt-right” means that the only thing they’re the alternatives for is goodness. Remember that they used their troglodyte, barely functioning brains to harass a young woman whose only goal was excellence and education, and it didn’t work.
Taylor Dumpson is still president, American University is still functioning, Alpha Kappa Alpha is still standing, and gutlessly terrorizing teenagers from the anonymity of the internet is the last safe space for inadequate, wimpy white boys.
Read more at ABC News.